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    Fu Jiu: …… God, you don’t follow the novel formula, it’s tough, you know!

    Qin Mo looked at the teenager’s slightly depressed expression, his thin lips hooked out a faint smile, a force to carry Fu Jiu’s back collar, stuffed the person into the passenger side.

    The car pulls more than it looks when it’s on.

    Especially since there are two equally brilliant people sitting inside.

    Fu Jiu’s silver hair was blown around by the wind pouring in through the car window, carrying an indescribably powerful coolness.

    That handsome face and luxurious doings.

    As the beautiful line of cars glided through downtown, people thought it was some two popular superstars making a movie.

    Images like that cause a lot of people to stop and try to take pictures of the sports car while it waits for a stoplight.

    However, Qin Mo’s right hand gripped the steering wheel, his reserved and indifferent side face almost flickered with the car and stopped at the entrance of the computer city.

    Fu Jiu looked at that place and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

    Qin Mo stood there, his long body standing.

    There weren’t many people in the store, but anyone who entered the store was looking at Fu Jiu in their direction.

    To be precise they were all looking at Great God Qin.

    After all, this isn’t outside, but a place frequented by some people who love to play games.

    Qin Mo was recognized by those potential fans of his as soon as he entered the store.

    “It’s the Qin God!”

    “Is he here to buy parts too?”


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