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    Ten thousand?

    Ten thousand dollars to buy a mouse?

    Would it be too much money!

    The guide girl’s eyes went wide!

    Moreover, just now this beautiful boy had whispered and asked if she had any favorable policies, so how did he change into such a tycoon?

    Du Ze is also listening to the flabbergasted, He Honghua is now everywhere begging grandpa and grandma for a loan, could it be that there are still left in the family?

    Why else would this loser be so arrogant?

    Spending $10,000 on a mouse is indeed too much.

    Even Fu Zeming, the pampered young master, felt some meat pain.

    But with so many friends watching, and with one of the managers of Qin’s club there, how could he not lose face?

    “Eleven thousand! “

    Fu Zeming sneered and raised the price.

    He Saffron is broke. Who doesn’t know that? Still pretending to have money, huh?

    He wanted to see how far this loser could fight him!

    “Eleven thousand dollars?” Fu Jiu laughed, slowly putting his hand down, “Boss, you can sell this mouse to this fool, spending eleven thousand dollars to buy a mouse, either you have money to burn or you are sick in the head.”

    Store Manager: “……”

    Fu Jiu just don’t care what the reaction of the bystanders, and gripping a lollipop, evil smile with a finger draw, take out the mouse ten.”

    After all that, he didn’t mainly come to buy a mouse, but a hard disk?


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