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    Feng Yi was saying these words.

    Feng Shang was standing right behind him, and originally, when he heard the front, he was angry and wanted to grab his brother’s cell phone and say something.

    Until he heard the end, he chose to quietly close the door and continue organizing the bags his brother hadn’t organized earlier.

    Feng Shang used to think his brother was great.

    But now, the pride in his heart rose to another stage because of Feng Yi’s words.

    He was grateful that he had such a brother.

    Although he is in a high position and has to deal with a lot of materialistic things every day, and he also has to deal with major advertisers, he has never changed.

    What’s just.

    When things go wrong, he’ll do all the protection that an agent should do.

    Previously, Qin Shen had said that Feng Yi’s credit was indispensable for the Imperial Alliance’s development to this day.

    He didn’t understand then.

    Thinking that playing the game is simply playing the game.

    After meeting my idol, after experiencing the e-sports new promotion, and after hearing this call today.

    He gets it.

    The glory we see, it has so many people behind it, giving all their efforts to support it to be realized.

    The furor over the post is still festering.

    Because the person in question involved Qin Mo, Feng Yi immediately changed his ticket after hanging up the phone, which meant he stayed in Jiangcheng and let the team members who needed to gather for training go over to Tokyo first.

    After arranging all this, the first call he dialed was Qin Mo.

    Feng Yi’s style of doing things has always been sharp: “Young Qin, there’s a post here you need to read. “


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