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    When she used to watch the league in front of the computer, Xue Yaoyao never thought that there would be a day when she could be a part of this.

    Until now, looking at that screen lined up with people, even the blood in his veins was boiling uncontrollably hot, the

    How many people gathered around it is simply too many to count.

    Qin Mo inclined his head, his slender fingers tapping across the keyboard, and all that appeared in the world was, “Celebrating the new birth of the Imperial Alliance. “

    Those six words are like his people.

    Indifference, dominance, shocking the whole service.

    Immediately after, the rest of the team followed.

    The entire C-zone, in that short span of five minutes, was all being screened by the Imperial Alliance Battle Team.

    If the game could make sound, they could definitely hear it, a bunch of fanboys and fangirls screaming!

    “Great God!”

    “So many great gods!”

    “I think I’m going to wake up beautifully in my sleep today!”

    “Take a picture!”

    “No need for a group photo, manually swipe my big spade for me!”

    “Celebrate the new birth of the Imperial League!”

    This line is a fan swipe reward out of the words.

    With the first fan, there will be a second.

    Followed by the third and fourth …… countless “Celebrate the new birth of the Imperial Union”.

    There were some battlers who wanted to just drop their mice!

    What’s the point of playing the game happily!

    How can there be such a brutal gap when they are also both professional teams!


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