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    This reminded Yin Wu Yao of the earliest days ago, when he played heroes.

    In those days, a lot of people who played the game were not understood.

    Where as now, a great god comes out and is sought after.

    For the first six years, in most people’s eyes, anyone who had anything to do with computers was out of touch.

    Gaming is a program that will always be resisted in China.

    So whether it’s a relative or a classmate, the first thing you see when it’s mentioned that he’s in gaming is that subtle disdain.

    “You can make money playing games?”

    “Spending money is more like it. “

    “Such a person, who is good for food and lazy, won’t have much success in the future ……”

    Yin Wu Yao sat on the railing outside the internet cafe and inclined his head to light a cigarette.

    Even he didn’t understand why he was remembering something so long ago today.

    How many people say “He’s being unrealistic. “

    He gritted his teeth through it all, thinking that one day he would prove to everyone that what he was doing was called gaming, and was not a game.

    Finally, he made it into the pro ranks.

    He thought it was finally time to shine.

    However, just six short months ……

    Six short months had worn out all his enthusiasm for the industry.

    It turns out that esports isn’t just about you playing the game well enough to get ahead.

    How to publicize, brokers support you or not, people in the same industry compete with each other as well as the closest comrades in order to grab powder to the betrayal of ……

    Yin Wu Yao thought of this, extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and was just about to go in when his cell phone screen lit up.

    It was a message from that makeshift battle group of theirs that had been microblogging.

    Nine Nine Lollipop: “Are none of you able to sleep? All come out, this captain has a gift for you. “


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