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    Xue Yaoyao raised her head and stared blankly at the handsome and overly beautiful teenager in front of her.

    Fu Jiu laughed lightly and continued, “Don’t forget, our goal is to dominate the entirety of the New Promotion Tournament. “

    It was because of the teenager’s evil and handsome stance that made it all the more heady.

    If anything, she started out playing Heroes just for the sake of wanting to find some friendliness and comfort in the game world that she couldn’t get in reality.

    That now she had not only found it, but learned to fight and be strong in it.

    This is a battlefield.

    If the Nine Temples were the king, then they were his loyal knights.

    We all tell ourselves that at some point.

    If I’m strong enough, I’ll face the humiliation, face the snickers, and say, “No. “

    This is a game that is more than just a mere game.

    They have to fight for dignity!

    Would it be possible that by tomorrow, when others knew the identity of the Nine Temples, the Z of Spades, they wouldn’t be looking at her with so many different eyes?

    The night before the game was destined to be a night of bad sleep for some.

    Xue Yaoyao was the first one, after she finished a math problem, she forced herself to lie down on the bed and go to sleep early, but she still couldn’t sleep after tossing and turning, and the last one sat up and started to study the techniques Fu Jiu gave her again.

    Someone in the same state was Feng Shang.

    He sat in front of the computer, not swiping the book, just looking at the game characters on the screen, and glancing sideways again at the calendar where a red circle had been drawn heavily on it.

    Professional Battlefield Player …… That was something he hadn t even dared to dream about before.

    Feng Shang lowered his head and gripped the mouse in his hand, and with his glasses off, he was really handsome and excessive.


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