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    The female clerk had been in the store for a long time and had the eyesight to see the man, seeing the man’s appearance, she immediately spoke up, “Actually we have a large size for this sweater, it’s perfect for two brothers to wear together, would you like to consider bringing one as well, sir?”

    Upon hearing this, Qin Mo raised his good-looking eyebrows, remembering his previous exchange with Mr. Li, a rebellious teenager always likes to get more attention, and although the brotherly outfit was not within his consideration, it was not a bad way to bring him closer.

    “Good. “

    When he heard this word, Fu Jiu was more or less surprised, after all, a person like the Great God, usually either wears a suit or a battle dress, a uniform dark color, I didn’t think that he could also accept white?

    Qin Mo put on the feeling of that sweater and Fu Jiu completely different, although the same handsome effect, but Qin Shen is able to let a person feel the people do not enter the cold noble atmosphere, the unique design of the sleeve wide, but also let him as bloodsucking aristocrats, a hit face is enough to make women crazy as fire.

    It’s just that the girls can’t help but dismiss that thought when the teenager is standing next to him.

    Because it’s always better to look like two handsome people like this than to snatch a man away from you, because it’s always sweeter to the heart.

    Two equally brilliant people wearing the same clothes again caused a sensation among the girls in no time.

    It was also fortunate that Qin Shen moved very quickly and didn’t give any of the media a chance to photograph him.

    It was just that Secretary Liang, who had received the order to wait in the car, completely paused after seeing what those two people were wearing!

    He, what did he see?

    Love …… couples dress!

    Young master, if you’re like this, how can I explain to madam and the boss? Tell me!


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