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    After Fu Jiu hung up the phone, he was still a little confused …… Just Great God means that he is coming?

    Watching Fu Jiu on the phone, the teachers were a bit unforgiving, after all, this is related to the school ranking.

    “Fu Jiu, if you don’t make a decision, all of us teachers will jointly write a petition, First Middle School will never allow someone who can’t even pass the character test to be the number one in the whole school.”

    Fu Jiu put the cell phone away, holding it in his palm and playing with it twice, not even paying attention to them, only standing there with a smile on his face.

    Every teacher was a bit annoyed because the way Fu Jiu looked at them was like he was looking at a bunch of jumping clowns!

    The physics teacher felt it the most, just as she was about to open her mouth to say something.

    A graceful, slightly cool voice slowly sounded from the door.

    “Questionable character?”

    That voice wasn’t high, but it was like brewing ice and snow, and only because it was overly nice, it gave off a clear coldness that was as deep as an ancient well.

    When they heard that, almost everyone looked back.

    Only to see the man standing against the light, a pure black high-fashion suit successfully set off his good figure.

    Graceful, flamboyant, exalted.

    It’s the word that comes to mind the moment after one sees a man.

    Or maybe it’s not just the size.

    Because, his whole body seemed to radiate an ascetic, sexy aura.

    He was standing in the doorway of his office, absently holding his cell phone, except for the deep overpowering depth of those eyes.

    At that moment, all the light just seemed to run into his eyes like flowing diamonds.


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