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    The bottom of Qin Mo’s eyes were instantly filled with ice.

    I had expected the teenager to be the first to call and inform him after the monthly exam.

    Now it looks like he got ahead of himself ……


    After thinking of that word, Qin Mo inclined his head and gave a low laugh, tossing the phone aside casually and thinking of several ways to discipline his brother.

    One of the most satisfying of these is crippling people.

    For this reason he made a special call to his previous partner and informed him that he understood what he was feeling after his brother’s disobedience.

    The veteran who answered the phone was a little confused, and even more so after he closed the line.

    Qin Mo did not feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior, drawing on the advice of those who had come before him was more efficient than trying to figure it out on his own.

    Unfortunately ……

    No matter how much the other person tells them to be gentle.

    The gentlest ways he could think of were to catch the teenager and give him a good lesson, or at the very least, to let the teenager know that even in his youthful rebellion, he had to report to him, his older brother, where he went.

    “Achoo! “

    Fu Jiu still do not know that he has messed with the Great God again, after relaxing, threw himself on the bed, wet silver hair hit down, is a shallow sleep handsome face.

    Monthly exams are not yet the same as midterm exams, which will be graded soon.

    As soon as the students arrived at school the next day, they were greeted with the utmost apprehension.

    The first class is English.

    You could tell the English teacher was in a good mood from her light footsteps.

    “Teacher is just so happy today that before I hand out the papers, I have to recognize someone!”


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