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    “Is this also left by Z of Spades? For knowing we were looking for him?” So, it’s such an arrogant provocation?

    The meow-system teenager carefully observed his own captain’s expression and didn’t dare to ask the last sentence.

    Fatty also nodded weakly, not daring to look up at the president at all.

    At this moment, Qin Mo’s cold and ruthless eyes were as intense in color as if they were the deep sea at night, both dangerous and low!

    From birth, he was so used to walking sideways that the people who could make him fall ……

    “Keep looking.”

    Three words without the slightest bit of temperature immediately made the black-clothed bodyguard’s nerves tense up!

    The entire school hierarchy was also in a state of panic!

    Meanwhile, at the corner of the building, Fu Jiu disconnected the cell phone internet hotspot connected to the tablet, his eyes lifted and a smile brewed at the corner of his mouth, “KO!”

    The people looking for her should be pissed off right now.

    Thinking like this, the smile on Fu Jiu’s face became even more intense.

    She for one loves it when people look at her and can’t do anything about it ……

    However, without the tablet, I’ll have to buy the parts kit a mini-book first soon, or I’ll always feel like I can’t get anything done.

    That said, it’s still about making money first.

    As for that Huo Si Yu, I’ll clean it up when it’s empty.

    Fu Jiu shoved his cell phone into his pocket, dangled a lollipop, twisted his wrist, and managed to blend in with the crowd of people fighting for their food, reverting back to being the most unpopular high school student.

    However, the Fu Jiu plan did not materialize.


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