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    This side Fu Jiu thought deeply, over there Xue Yaoyao saw that the teenager’s face really didn’t have any unhappy expression, before she followed and settled down.

    She knew that both students and teachers had long been ingrained with the impression that the Ninth Temple was a waste of space, and that such isolation out if anything had been tasted by her at one time, so she wanted to go to a table with the Ninth Temple.

    But it was clear that the Ninth Temple wasn’t her after all.

    That man has an incredibly strong heart.

    Never cared about any exclusionary segregation.

    As it was, he had his jaw propped up, listening to the lecture and taking notes as if he didn’t care what seat he was sitting in.

    One day, when people know the real identity of the Nine Temples, they will know …… that he has never been a wasteful scum!

    One person at a table still has the advantage, Fu Jiu on the game are extraordinarily smooth, and do not have to deliberately avoid anyone, after all, she is now using the account of the Qin God, by who then peep screen, will only trouble.

    It’s hard to find a player’s exact location without friending them in the game in general.

    But for Fu Jiu, it is nothing, the use of micro-data control, directly locked the “reward you a punch to eliminate music” and through the alliance platform, sent a dialog window over: “In?”

    Feng Shang, who was still playing the game, was startled and thought he had been poisoned, and then he took a look at the person who was speaking was his idol, and immediately came to spirit: “In, in, in! “

    “See you at the West City Internet Café at 7:00 tonight. “Fu Jiu lazily typed, “Let’s team up to brush a book.”

    Feng Shang hadn’t been to an internet cafe yet, and felt excited at the thought of real people teaming up to play Ben: “Okay, all, all listen to the idol!”

    Fu Jiu smiled, “I’ll bring my sister teammates over, so don’t be nervous after you see the people. “


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