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    He’s not just gentle and handsome, he’s the premier god in Heroes!

    Xue Yaoyao sidestepped her eyes, looking at the clean and handsome side of the teenager’s face, she couldn’t help but murmur out, “If we let the black fans know that Spade Z looks like this, the game will definitely blow up the screen directly, as well as those journalists, who will also retract their guesses about Spade Z’s appearance, Ninth Temple, why don’t you accept the interview… …”

    “Because the time has not yet come. “Fu Jiu twirled his carbon pen and smiled gently, but a belly-aching flavor brewed inside.

    Xue Yaoyao didn’t know exactly what Fu Jiu was planning to do, she thought she needed some quiet time to digest this exciting news.

    She had never imagined, from the very beginning of her introduction to Heroes until now, that she would one day meet Z of Spades.

    For it was clear to her that the decision was a different god than the mortals.

    But now, she was actually going to follow him to form a battle team to play professionally!

    What that’s like is something that people who haven’t played the game really won’t understand.

    Her heart messed with the rhythm, even her blood was boiling, it was as if she was finally beginning to live her dream, for the first time so close to her reach, all given to her by her teenager ……

    Fu Jiu didn’t realize what effect she had on Xue Yaoyao, she was still looking at the physics problems that the Great God had pointed out to her yesterday.

    Well …… it all depends on it for the monthly exam in a few days!

    “Tick-tock! “

    As soon as the bell rings.

    After the physics teacher walked in, he didn’t name people to answer the questions like before, but after looking at them in a circle, he gently coughed and said, “Today we rearranged the table, men and women can’t be at the same table, and now we will start to freely combine. “

    The students were all confused!

    Just listen to the wailing of a lowly one.

    “No way, this was just a table row, why another row? “

    “I’m so close to my goddess and I’m making it so that men and women can’t share a table! “

    “Where’s the talk about motivating us to learn? “


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