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    At those words, Xue Yaoyao completely paused, her heart felt like it had been shot through by those four words.

    Z of Spades.

    The rookie king who took countless first kills right out of the gate.

    The C-zone god who set countless records, but whose whereabouts are obsessive.

    That top-tier being who broke all the rules, was a maverick, and didn’t buy into any of the battlegroups.

    Xue Yaoyao had heard of this name many times, and there were even times when he was playing a game, he would often tell himself after seeing this person on the leaderboards that, lo and behold, not all those without money in this world would be buried.

    Z of Spades, he is one such example!

    The fingering is beautiful and unexpected, and even more so, it stands proudly as king!

    All the gaming media in Jiangcheng wanted to get a first-hand account of this person.

    And he was hidden.

    Some people say that Spade Z must be very ugly, that’s why he’s afraid to show his real face, otherwise such a good opportunity to become famous, how could he not accept the interview, even if he does a live broadcast, up and down, he can also have a hundred thousand dollars of income.

    There are also people who say that even if Spade Z looks pretty decent, he must not be too young, seeing as how he operates so skillfully and superbly and is familiar with the various routines in the game, he must be an uncle-level man.


    He was him!

    Xue Yaoyao covered her lips.

    How could she not have imagined that the person who was like a benchmark to her was their Ninth Temple?

    Even though she was already sitting in the classroom, Xue Yaoyao’s emotions had not calmed down.

    The girls at school would go crazy if they knew about this!

    Nine Temples, he’s not some thuggish loser at all!


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