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    Because she could detect that Qin Mo hadn’t left, and was on the couch right outside the bathroom, like he was still continuing the meeting, and when there was no sound of water, his English and French could still be heard.

    It was hard to get the outside layer off, it was the bandages on the inside.

    Fu Jiu swept a glance at himself, simply sat directly on the edge of the bathtub, two long legs elongated, a very handsome semi-flexed, point in the left side, the side of the face carefully will be wrapped around the chest of the white cloth a little bit around the open.

    As she did so, silver crushed hair fell and hit the magnetically recognizable side of the face.

    It makes her look very handsome, like a metrosexual pretty boy.

    But at this moment, if Qin Mo had come in, he would have realized that, in reality, the brother he recognized was not a brother, but a sister.

    Fu Jiu, that legendary bent man who likes men.

    In fact, she’s never been straight.

    Only no one could have imagined that she would be a girl ……

    Since the cloths will continue to be used after the shower later, they can’t be drenched in water or ripped out as they go.

    It was so hard that the last layer was also unwrapped by her, and she saw that the pair of white rabbits were about to jump out.

    There was a sudden knock at the door behind her.

    Fu Jiu’s fingers on the white cloth gave a beat!


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