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    Thinking that he had almost eaten anyway, Bamboo Wuling said in embarrassment, “Then I’ll excuse myself for now, and we’ll have dinner together some other time.”

    Dusty Wang said, “Brother Bamboo, be careful on the road, it’s rather windy tonight.”

    Bamboo Wuling to, “Okay, I’ll pay attention, Brother Yu, goodbye Old King.”

    After he got his stuff, he left this seafood place.

    As soon as he opened the door, he froze and almost jumped out of his skin, he looked out at the whistling wind and wanted to say something but couldn’t.

    With the car keys clutched in his hand, he arrived at the parking place in no time.

    He sent his mom a message before he got in the car, “Mom, have you eaten yet?”

    After sending the message he immediately got into his car, well it wasn’t far from home and after he drove for a few minutes he drove into the familiar neighborhood.

    He first parked his car in the parking garage and then took the elevator to 801. the name of the neighborhood was: the Falling Sun neighborhood.

    He looked down the dark hallway, it felt a little dark to him, so he stomped down the hallway, and instantly the whole hallway lit up.

    Bamboo Wuling said to the dark hallway, “Ah, now I’m feeling it.”

    He inserted the key in his hand inside the keyhole and within moments the door was opened.

    The house was still dark and dreary, still quiet, he just forgot to close the window before he left. He just kind of hoped that when he opened the door, there was someone in the house, not a thief of course, but when he opened the door, he wanted to hear these words, “Yo, back? Come on in, it s cool …… outside.”

    Too bad his mom’s in another city.

    Bamboo Wuling unlocked the door of his house after closing it, and he went over to the balcony, he closed the window first, and then he pulled the window of the balcony closed again.

    After that was done he went and got his clothes, he wanted to end the day quickly.

    He came to the room, he just wanted to find a random piece of clothing when he suddenly thought of tomorrow at noon, he also have to go to the fan meeting, that Tingtong city, from their own home is not so far, but it is a drive to drive half an hour can be reached, and then when the time comes, to find the local people to ask on the line.

    He then went inside his closet and looked around, he wanted to wear something a little more juvenile, after all he was only 21 and he didn’t want to dress that old.

    He found it inside his closet, a white short-sleeve, he looked at those weather forecasts just in case it was a bit cooler tomorrow, well, it was indeed cooler tomorrow, it was going to cool down yet.

    He found another blue-and-white coat, a coat which he particularly liked at the time he bought it, because the coat’s

    He found one, wide-legged pants with blue and white inlays, and another necklace from his drawer.

    Satisfied, Bamboo Wuling took his pajamas and went to take a shower.


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